It’s Been Nearly 6 Years Since Stevie Bates Disappeared from Manhattan: Why has Her Case Gone Cold?

On Saturday, April 28, 2012, a security camera in Manhattan's Port Authority Bus Terminal captured Stevie Danielle Bates at around 9 AM.  The 19-year-old with bleach-blonde dreadlocks looked somewhat confused after stepping off an escalator, seemingly unsure of in which direction to go next. At 1:10 into the clip released by the Yonkers Police Department, Bates … Continue reading It’s Been Nearly 6 Years Since Stevie Bates Disappeared from Manhattan: Why has Her Case Gone Cold?

My (Work-in-Progress) List of True Crime Podcasts

You don't know how many times I've Googled "list of true crime podcasts" and been frustrated with the search results. Maybe this genre is still to niche to warrant a comprehensive list of most---if not all---true crime podcasts. But, how useful would that be for obsessive-types like myself? I have so many opinions about true crime podcasts, but no one with whom to share them in real life! I mean, I spend most of the work day with headphones on, listening to podcasts about fucked up shit. And because I'm a DIY-type person,  I decided to make that list myself.

List the Missing: Three U.S. Military Veterans Who Disappeared and Haven’t Been Found

Debbie Allen, William Schmidbauer, and Hattie Brown each served in the U.S. Military before they each vanished without a trace. While the circumstances of their disappearances vary, all three have this in common: their cases remain unsolved.

UPDATE: New Details Emerge in the 1981 Disappearance of Dale Eugene Kelley

Last month, I wrote about the disappearance of Dale Eugene Kelley. To refresh your memory, 20-year-old Kelley vanished in May 1981 en route from Carmichael---a Sacramento suburb---to Los Angeles, where he planned to visit his girlfriend. A month later, his car was found abandoned in New Orleans. As I wrote in October, information about Dale Kelley’s disappearance … Continue reading UPDATE: New Details Emerge in the 1981 Disappearance of Dale Eugene Kelley

In 1981, a Sacramento Man Disappears on Trip to Los Angeles. Two Weeks Later, His Car Found Abandoned in New Orleans: What happened to Dale Kelley?

On the morning of May 20, 1981, 21-year-old Dale Eugene Kelley departed his home in Carmichael, California in his orange 1976 Toyota Celica. He planned make the six-and-a-half hour drive to Los Angeles to visit his girlfriend, but he never made it there. Two weeks later, his car turned up abandoned in in New Orleans, but he was nowhere to be found. What happened to Dale Kelley?

List the Missing: Four Families Who Disappeared Together

This marks my first List the Missing post, in which I hope to bring some attention to lesser-known missing persons cases. Each list of missing persons will be based on some shared trend. This week's trend is families who disappeared together. 

Eight True Crime Podcast Episodes Worth Listening To

The rising popularity of true crime and podcasts gives us a virtual all-you-can-eat buffet of options. But, this makes it harder to wade through the shit and find something good.  Avoid the crap and find out which eight true crime podcasts episodes are worth your time.

Before Dorothy Arnold, There Was Adele Boas: The New York City Heiress Who Went Missing and Came Home

New York City heiress Adele Boas didn't wake up on April 23, 1909 with the intention of going missing, but before the sun would set, she was gone.

Introducing a Four-Part Series on the 1969 Disappearance of Thomas Riha

Thomas Riha spent the night of March 15, 1969 attending dinner party at a graduate student's Boulder home. The University of Colorado professor appeared distracted and nervous that Friday night, but he was a quiet man by nature and his private life had been particularly chaotic as of late. No one was particularly worried by … Continue reading Introducing a Four-Part Series on the 1969 Disappearance of Thomas Riha